Bezt (Etam Cru)

1987 - Present

Bezt was born in 1987 in Turek, Poland. He finished the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, where he met Sanier and the two started painting together. Besides the collaboration, Bezt soon became a successful commercial artists and freelance designers. Bezt is particularly specialized in frescoes and has released a large number of public works usually on facades of dim and gray buildings from socialist era. At the current moment, Bezt splits his time between traveling around Europe together with Sanier to paint murals at a variety of street art festivals and producing his individual work and exhibiting solo shows. Being the part of Etam Cru, Bezt was able to develop and perfect further his own inspiration. His works can be found on various buildings and with those ephemeral images, the artist surely goes beyond the borders of the graffiti as an artistic expression. As the times passed by, Bezt’s activity increased and he participated in a number of exhibitions and festivals. That goes along with the Etam Cru since they have created works all over the world, including their murals in the USA. Whether working by himself or in duo, the work of Bezt definitely reflects the artist’s outstanding efforts not only to beautify the chosen site but to employ the context and the atmosphere in order to achieve the best possible result.